html font:

html font element allows you to specify how to format your font on a webpage. It is used to set the typeface, size and color of the font used. The font element can be used on a single letter, single word or blocks of text. It always starts with a <FONT> opening tag and ends with </FONT> closing tag.
html font

html font element has three attributes:

  • FACE- the FACE attribute sis used to specify the typeface to be used for the text enclosed in the FONT element. Its value can be specified by a list of names separated by commas.

         for example:

                              <FONT FACE="Arial, courier">Welcome to HTML</FONT>

In the above example if the none of the choice is matched then the browser displays the text in default font usually in Times New Roman.

  •  COLOR- The COLOR attribute is used to specify the color of the Font.

       for example:

                            <FONT COLOR="RED">text displayed in red color</FONT>

  • SIZE- It is used to specify the size of the font. It can take any value ranging from 1 to 7. The default size is 3.

      for example:

                          <FONT SIZE="5">Text of size 5 is shown </FONT>

                                            HTML CODE:

On viewing in a web browser:

html font

NOTE: html font must contain atleast one of font attributes when used to change default font settings.