html ol tag-

html ol tag or numbered list that is used to represent a set of related items in a given order such as step by step instructions,recipes,outlines etc. A numbered list always begins with <OL> tag ends with </OL> tag. here, OL stands for ordered list. Each item in the list marked using the <LI> tag and its closing is optional.
html ol tag

The steps for creating ordered list are:

  1.  Start with an opening ordered list tag <OL>.
  2. Specify the <LI> tag followed by individual item. the closing tag </LI> is optional.
  3. End the entire list with a closing tag </OL>.
for example:

html ol tag
it always start with 1 by default.

<OL> tag contains two attributes which include :-

  1. TYPE- You can also change the TYPE to other number schemas or letters that can be placed in front of each item using TYPE attribute in the <OL> tag. 

The various values that can be assigned to the type attribute are-

         TYPE value
                   Number Style
Lowercase letters
Uppercase  letters
Lowercase Roman
i, ii, iii,………..
Uppercase Roman

let's take an example-

                                     <OL TYPE = "a">

using it will produce a list having a,b,c.......... before each item list.

2. START- It specifies a value from which numbering will start. The start value must be a number whether the TYPE attribute is a numeral or letter.

for example-

The above example shows that value of attributes with <LI> tag override the value specified with <OL> tag.

To know about the bulleted or unordered list then you can click on this link-


html ordered list